
Showing posts from March, 2022

Business General, Bachelor Of Science In Business Administration

Students choose classes from accounting, economics, finance and business law, information technology, management, marketing, occupational safety, and supply chain. During the course of their studies, students have the option of changing their major to specialize in a specific area or to remain in the legalkushonline major and graduate with a respected business degree from UW-Whitewater. A Safety and Risk Management emphasisis also available for the General Business major. All our business majors will equip students with general business skills and knowledge so a student may not double major between General Business and other business majors. Students who would like to apply transfer credits toward saigonhome the general business minor will be limited to no more than one-half the total required number of credits. All students entering junior-level business and economics courses are expected to have competency in computer-based word processing and spreadsheet skills. Ut Tyler Departme